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Grace and Holy Spirit Church
 13 Court Street,  Cortland, New York 13045

Episcopal Relief & Development
Episcopal Relief & Development works with Church partners and other local organizations to save lives and transform communities worldwide. We rebuild after disasters and empower people to create lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease. Working in close to 40 countries, our programs impact the lives of approximately 3 million people around the world​




ECLA World Hunger​

 We are thankful for you and your faithful giving that makes this work possible. Through your gifts to ELCA World Hunger, families gain access to food, water, educaton, and health care. everal generous friends have offered to match gifts to ECLA World Hunger. To learn more, clheck us out on the ELCA website.

You are welcome here!
Worship Services
Sundays - 9:30 am
In-person and through Zoom
Compline - Thursdays - 8:15 pm,  
Zoom only (September-July)

  Advent Opportunities
"The Weary World Rejoices"
Contact the church office for details

Upcomming Events

Christmas Services

Blue Christmas
December 19, 6:30 pm at
Homer Congregational Church

Christmas Eve
December 24, 4:00 pm
Grace & Holy Spirit Church
and Zoom

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